Contribute media for streama streaming service

Streama is my self hosted streaming service for personal use. You are welcome to contribute content for the site if you think something is missing. Here is how.

Make sure you are doing things legally (e.g. you have the rights of use) to prevent legal actions from law enforcement agencies against you and me because of piracy!! More information in the legal section.

Download on virtual machines

In case you don’t want to download the files video on your PC, you can my use virtual machines, specifically created for this purpose. The virtual machines can be accessed here and you can contact me if you need an account. Download the video files on the machine 100 (video-downloader), then copy these into the machine 106 (video-copier).

In case there are downloads in progress, please don’t interrupt these.

Download to your local machine

You can also download videos onto your local machine. Please make sure, that the video is in the mp4 format.

Upload to streama

Login to your streama account. If you can’t manage the content, request permissions (i will delete them afterwards because of serious legal concerns).

Create a new film or tv-show. In case of tv-shows, navigate to the newly created item and click “fetch all episodes”. Leave the input empty so it fetches all available seasons.

Upload your mp4 file. Please provide the audio language and resolution as an annotation (Manage files -> click on the pen) in the format “language_abbreviation/resolution”, i.e. “en/720”.

As mentioned before, make sure you don’t violate any laws in your country and Switzerland. There can be serious legal actions against you and me if you do it anyway. You can inform you about swiss copyright laws.

If legal documents are required (e.g. rights of use), please send me these in case their needed.

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