
  • Single sign on (SSO)

    SSO is now available for the services Gitlab and Nextcloud. Please log in to authentik to continue using the services.Continue readingSingle sign on (SSO)

  • Public Repositories

    All public repositories can be found at my gitlab page. If you think something is missing in these repositories, youContinue readingPublic Repositories

  • Contribute media for streama streaming service

    Streama is my self hosted streaming service for personal use. You are welcome to contribute content for the site ifContinue readingContribute media for streama streaming service

  • Request access to a hosted service or host a service on my servers

    Just contact me and we’ll figure something out 🙂

  • How to use Element

    You can use the official Element server and/or Matrix server. But this tutorial relies on services hosted by me. AContinue readingHow to use Element